SKILLS PAY BILLS: A Sew Loka Podcast #027 feat. @8X8STUDIO

Claudia @sewloka sits down with artist/designer Michael Woodward @michaelwoodwardart from @8x8studio. 8x8 Studio is an art studio and gallery that is located inside of THE ART HUB @thearthubmakers on Logan Avenue in Barrio Logan. They talk about Michael's creative process and his overall evolution as an artist. They also discuss the local art scene on Logan Avenue and how everyone on the block supports one another and wants to see each other grow! Thank you for continuing to support and listen to our SKILLS PAY BILLS podcast - we promise to keep getting better and improving with each new episode! This podcast is produced by COPY AND STEAL STUDIO @copyandsteal @sewloka @skillspaybillspod @michaelwoodwardart @8x8studio @walktheblocksd

Claudia BiezunskiComment