Sew Loka Presents "Definitely Denim" A Vintage Denim Jacket Art Show
Sew Loka Presents “Definitely Denim” A Vintage Denim Jacket Art Show curated by Studio IX @studioixsandiego and sponsored by Cal Coast Credit Union @calcoastcu happening on Saturday July 1, 2023 inside the #sewloka #sewingstudio 2113 LOGAN AVE #barriologan 12pm - 9pm @walktheblocksd #loganave
July 1, 2023 - 12pm - 9pm - 2113 Logan Ave, San Diego, CA 92113
30+ local artists curated by @studioixsandiego
Full Service Tostilocos & Michelaguas Bar @culturarimpaste
Live DJs @jayceeonedj @strangebouquets
Live Sewing @sewloka + friends
Live Performances @theinvisiblepanchos @killcrey @gene_flo @kackjing @platformcollection starting at 7:30pm
“Definitely Denim” Posters designed by Johnny Walsh Creatives @johnnywalshcreatives
“Denim is a huge part of my family and my story. My dad owned a denim factory in the early 1980s and it was everywhere when I was child. But the mass production of new denim is very wasteful, and it also hurts our planet. With this art show, we really want to encourage people to shop for recycled & vintage denim before buying something brand new, and we also want to inspire people to get creative with their clothing. Clothing is not disposable - clothing is art; and the people who create your clothing are artists.” - Claudia @sewloka